PAKAIAN BATIK (Batik clothing)


There is a supreme work of the ancestors of Indonesian children in the area of ​​clothing with a simple and versatile tools in a simple way. Amazing indeed result from the fruit of their hands who have extraordinary talent. Arts and culture has been rooted in themselves produce a work called "BATIK".
Various shades and forms a beautiful texture created by the labor of human hands that deserve to be admired. The "pebatik" designation on batik artisans still work from ancient times until now. Batik is made on a piece of cloth with a way to write and or draw with high artistic styles and a variety of shades of color are grouped into a work of art on pieces of cloth.
Batik originated from the native population of Indonesia and indeed there are nearly in all parts of Indonesia had a work of batik. If on review the origins of batik can be seen from the origin of the word "batik" contained in the Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "nitik", referring to the technique of making patterns (using the Canting or Cap) and dyeing fabrics by using pattern color barrier material which are applicable on the fabric. It has been running since the origin of these thousands of years created, until now no one knows for sure.

Wearing "BATIK" in contemporary times is being published in Indonesia and all segments of society at every opportunity. This is to create a sense of love on the production of his own State of Indonesia. The use of Batik clothing is the first look at the economic level has been established once and wear batik clothes only on certain occasions only. Now many people from different levels of economic groups who wear Batik clothing, not just used in any official event, even school children have also love to wear batik to show that they were forged. School uniforms ranging from Primary level to Secondary level we can see the wear batik.
Government of Indonesia has been promoting "BATIK" to the international level as the work of the Son of Nation ancestors in the hope that international community is also interested in "BATIK". This is in line with the already registered "BATIK" as a cultural heritage at UNESCO native Indonesia.
UNESCO's recognition has come out that the "batik" is indeed a result of the hand pieces that have high artistic power of the diversity of styles and motifs that have a full philosophical meaning.
Cultural preservation is the duty of every citizen of Indonesia, including preserving "BATIK". The duty to keep the batik will remain will always enjoy doing the various levels of classes is by using the batik clothes at every opportunity at both official and casual events.

Providers also have a lot of clothes that use batik material as part of the model they provide clothing to be an alternative for prospective buyers and are located in cities large and small cities in Indonesia.
Various works springing up not only the material form of batik clothing, merchandising in the form of bags, and other accessory have started using batik material. Which showed positive developments towards this hopefully later make batik will remain in love.